2019年10月17日 星期四

【閱讀】尋找閱讀關鍵字 Reading Tic-Tac-Toe


我參考了Mike的作法,融合WordBrain和Tic-Tac-Toe兩大活動。先玩WordBrain找單字,再用找出來的單字填空出文章概要。對文章內容有初步了解之後,一起唸出文章。知道Tic-Tac-Toe裡的九個關鍵元素後,找出文章中的關鍵字。討論過各組找到的關鍵字以後,獨立完成課本底下的閱讀測驗(True or False)。 最後,再讓各組仿造課本,根據文章「人事時地物」等重點寫出一題題目、發表,全班回答。 每一個小活動(關卡)都有2-3分鐘的時間限制、都有過關可得到的積分。解題、過關的感覺,讓學生更有動力參與。 

終於,上了一堂不再是叫學生把文章唸一遍、看題目、畫關鍵句找答案這麼無趣的閱讀課! (在解WordBrain單字時,還聽到學生喊說「好好玩喔!」)




Class routine (2 min) 
1. Greeting 
2. Assign homework 

A. Warm-Up: 

WordBrain (10 min) 

1. Introduce the WordBrain Game (2 min) ------>網路上有介紹影片,我直接請學生看影片猜看看遊戲的玩法(比我直接告訴他們還要吸引人且有效)
Show students the short clip about the WordBrain Game. Tell them that there are words in the 2*2 or 3*3 grid. They need to figure out what these words are. 

2. WordBrain Game 

Level 1 (2 min) 

Tell students that there are more than 4 things they can find in the picture, and the words are in the 2*2 grid. Get students to find the word and write them down on the mini white board. 
------>比較難的是第四題tasty,大部分的學生都需要提示。我先告訴他們It's an adjective. For example, The food is.... It starts with "t"....再不行就直接唸出來請他們拼音。

Level 2 (3 min) 

Get students to find the words that are in the 3*3 grid and write them down on the mini white board.

Level 3 (3 min) 

Get students to use these 6 words to finish the passage. Write it down on the mini whiteboard.
* The passage: There are tasty food such as pizza and noodles on the desk. Victor looks hungry. He can’t wait to eat!
------>三分鐘差不多。學生一開始會卡在there are「那裡有」,他們會以為摘要的開頭是they are...「他們是」...。他們會把tasty food寫成food tasty,需要引導他們形容詞放在名詞前面。還有,Victor looks...的"look"少數學生會以為這個單字是「看」的意思,一直覺得Victor looks hungry.這句話很怪(Victor看很餓?)。大部分學生會忘記動詞變化。不過這些狀況只要稍微引導一下,幾乎所有組別都可以在時間內完成這一關的任務。

B. Presentation: 

Reading Tic-Tac-Toe (20 min) 

1. Read aloud (2 min) 
Ask students to take out their student book. Get them to read the passage on page 30. 

2. Introduce Reading Tic-Tac-Toe (5 min) 

Introduce Reading Tic-Tac-Toe: Show students 9 key words about the passage on the PPT slide which are people, food, drink, action, place, feeling, time, weather, taste. Ask the class to read them. 

3. Find out the key words (5 min) 

Ask students to find out the key words. Mark O on the chart if they can find the key word and write down the key words in the chart. Mark X on the chart if they can’t find the key word. Ask students to share their finding. Show students the answer and check their work. 
------>實際在課堂上分享時,我是指派各組分享一個關鍵字。例如:第一組分享people、第二組分享food...第七組分享weather and taste(已經介紹過的time和place就不請學生發表了)。分享時,會發現有些學生的想法不同,像是有人會覺得yummy是感覺,也有人覺得是味道,我告訴他們沒有標準答案,能發現能歸類就很好。聽到他們組員間有不同意見在討論的感覺真好~

4. Read and check (3 min) 

Ask students to finish the comprehension test on page 30. Then, get the class to check the answer. 

5. The Secret of the reading comprehension… (5 min) 

Get students to know that when they are reading they have to focus on the key points of the passage such us People, food/drink, time, place...Reading comprehension is closely related to these key points. For example, “Lily and her friends are having lunch at Michelangelo’s house.” is related to the 3 key words which are people, time and place.
------>在講述上,直接引導學生觀察我標示的顏色各代表什麼key word會比較容易讓學生找出關鍵。

C. Practice and Production (6 min)

1. One sentence about the passage (2 min)
Get students to work as groups to write 1 sentence about the passage on the mini whiteboard. The sentence could be true or false. The groups have to put their mini whiteboard on the board when they finish writing.
------>大部分的組別寫出來的句子都差不多。我的觀課夥伴覺得這個部份的難度較高,或許可以先讓學生寫出一句True的句子,讓學生理解什麼是facts,再教facts and non-facts,最後再讓學生嘗試出T or F的題目。

2. True or false (4 min) Get class to read the sentences from each group and tell whether the sentences are true or false.

D. Wrap-Up (2 min)

1. Reading Tic-Tac-Toe: 9 key words about the passage Summarize the lesson: Finding out the key words of the passage helps you understand it better! 





